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Starchaser - So High

11 Просмотры
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Опубликован в 05/03/24 / В Trance›Productions›Videos

Download on iTunes: http://bit.ly/ghVnxM
Download on Beatport: http://bit.ly/hbnsse

It isn't often that a track is able to balance the best of all worlds, but take our word for it, this collection of mixes is sure to leave you with your head in the clouds! Beachy, beautiful and absolutely mesmerizing, Starchaser pays homage to the great tunes of the past that still manage to transport listeners to a place where the world may fade away, but the beat plays on. And this release captures so much of that feeling. With an understated but nuanced original, So High blends a lusciously catchy vocal line by Lo-Fi Sugar that takes the track from beautiful to truly exceptional.

Starchaser begins with the beats of summer, surf and sand, lulling the ears of his listeners with softly stabbing chords and a voice so silky and smooth, you have to close your eyes to drink it in. The Martin Roth remix however turns up the volume in a massive way! The soft morning song of the original turns midnight dark with all the drama and beauty that listeners have come to expect from this famed remix wunderkind.

The tracks next incarnation comes with the Adam Sheridan mix that brings a somewhat darker and dirtier vision to the table. Where Lo-Fi Sugar's voice seems so innocent and ethereal in the original, these breathy, delicious vox are absolutely shiver inducing as the music deepens for perfect nighttime play for clubgoing crowds from the beach to the bedroom.

Overall, So High lingers like chocolate on the tongue, the white, the sweet, and the devilishly dark: with a taste so good it's absolutely impossible to resist.

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